Benefits of early briefing of barristers in the news

Stephanie Mahon Headshot

Early briefing of barristers remains topical in the profession but has been picked up by the mainstream press following a speech by Justice Marilyn Warren in March this year.

Justice Warren’s speech ‘Futurology’, presented at a Bar conference considered what the Bar might look like – and be like as a career prospect – in the decades to come, and what changes could take place. A key idea she proposed was to ensure clients know ‘they should brief early and that it will be economical in the long run’ , and that clients would benefit from being ‘given the best strategic advice as early as possible’.

See more of Justice Warren’s speech.

The Age’s Leonie Wood, interviewed Bar Chairman Mark Moshinsky SC about the issues the speech raised, and on early briefing, Mr Moshinsky was quoted in the article as saying early involvement of barrister was “just commonsense … to have the person who ultimately is going to be standing up and presenting the case in court, if you get to that point, involved from the outset”. Read the full article.

Find out more about direct briefing and early contact with List G Barristers.

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