Yasser Bakri Portrait 2019

Yasser Bakri

Bar roll 2013 Admitted 2007
  • Commercial Law Employment & Industrial
  • Public Law
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Yasser specialises in employment, industrial and public law and has a busy national practice

Since coming to the bar Yasser has represented employees and unions in a wide range of employment and industrial law matters. He regularly appears both led and unled in trials, appeals and applications for interlocutory injunctions.

Yasser also regularly acts for executive employees in relation to employment disputes including restraint of trade.

Yasser also has experience in relation to Royal Commissions having represented clients in the TURC Royal Commission and the Financial Services Royal Commission.

Yasser assisted with the establishment of the Young Workers Centre (a specialist employment law community legal centre), is a committee member of the Industrial Bar Association and a representative of the Victorian Bar on the Fair Work Commission’s Termination of Employment User Group.

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation


Chambers & Clerk

Ah Ket Chambers
Level 35 Room 08

500 Bourke Street

Melbourne VIC 3000

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Jane King

03 9225 8558


Commercial Law
  • Competition
  • Regulatory Investigations
Employment & Industrial
  • Discrimination
  • Employment Contracts
  • Industrial Disputes
  • Restraint of Trade
  • Statutory Employment Rights
  • Work Health & Safety
Tort Law
  • Inquests
Public Law
  • Civil & Human Rights
  • Judicial Review



Bachelor of Laws (Hons)

Bachelor of Arts



Entitled to practise in

State and Territory Courts and Tribunals

Federal Court of Australia

High Court of Australia

Recent Cases

Employment and Industrial Law

Trego & CFMMEU v Wesbeam Pty Ltd [2019] FCA 1030 - counsel for successful applicants in an application for an urgent interlocutory injunction reinstating a union delegate (unled).

FWC proceedings related to the proposed amalgamation of the National Union of Workers and United Voice - [2019] FWC 3931 and [2019] FWC 3751 junior counsel for the NUW and UV (led by Warren Friend KC).

Application by CFMMEU - C&G Division, ACT Divisional Branch [2019] FWC 4087 - counsel for applicant who successfully applied for a right of entry permit for its Divisional Branch Secretary, which was opposed by the ABCC (led by Craig Dowling SC).

NUW v ePharmacy Group Pty Ltd (t/as Chemist Warehouse) ­B2019/232 ­- counsel for successful applicant for a bargaining order which restrained a proposed enterprise agreement being put to a ballot (unled).

AWU v Alcoa of Australia Ltd [2019] FWCFB 3834 - counsel for successful appellant in FWC appeal concerning the manner in which a re-determination of an application should be conducted (unled).

AWU v Alcoa of Australia Ltd [2019] FWCFB 2427 - junior counsel for successful appellant in FWC appeal which resulted in an order terminating an enterprise agreement being quashed (led by Herman Borenstein KC).

VICT v CFMMEU (2018) VSC 794 - junior counsel for CFMMEU in contempt proceeding (led by Herman Borenstein KC).

AMMA v CFMMEU (2018) 363 ALR 343 junior counsel for CFMMEU in a successfully defended judicial review application relating to the amalgamation of the CFMEU, MUA and TCFUA (led by Herman Borenstein KC).

Tainsh v Toyota Motor Corporation Australia Ltd [2018] FWCFB 7565 - counsel for successful appellant in FWC appeal which challenged a decision refusing to reinstate an employee who had been unfairly dismissed (unled).

Conway v Fernandez [2018] FCA 1949 - junior counsel in successful application for interlocutory injunction under the Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Act 2009 (Cth) (led by Craig Dowling SC).

BlueScope Steel v AWU [2018] FCA 1574 - junior counsel for AWU in civil penalty proceeding which was successfully defended in part (led by Warren Friend KC).

CFMMEU v Fair Work Inspector Lam [2018] FCA 1379 - junior counsel for CFMMEU in successful application for declaratory relief in relation to notice to produce which had been issued by the FWO (led by Herman Borenstein KC).

James Cook University v NTEU (2018) 281 IR 57 - counsel for successful respondent in FWC appeal (unled).

RTBU v Yarra Trams (2018) FWC 4837 - counsel for successful applicant in private arbitration of an industrial dispute (unled).

ABCC v CFMMEU (Cardigan Street Case) [2018] FCA 957 - counsel for respondents in civil penalty proceeding (unled).

ABCC v Hall (2018) 261 FCR 347 - junior counsel for successful respondents in Federal Court Appeal (led by Herman Borenstein KC).

Aerocare Flight Support Pty Ltd v TWU (2017) 270 IR 385 - counsel for ASU in successful defence of appeal (unled).


Fair Work Commission Termination of Employment User Group

Industrial Bar Association - member of the committee of management