Rudi Kruse
- Commercial Law Tort Law
- Public Law
Rudi acts for companies, regulators and government agencies in commercial, public and regulatory matters. He also acts in a broad range of native title and Aboriginal land rights matters across Australia for government parties, representative bodies and claimants. He has appeared in the High Court, Federal Court and State and Territory Supreme Courts at trial and appellate level, both led and unled. Some recent published cases in which he has been briefed are listed below.
Rudi advises Federal, State and Territory governments and agencies, and private entities, on a range of complex issues in commercial and regulatory law, constitutional law, administrative law, Aboriginal land rights and equity and trusts.
Before coming to the Bar, Rudi was an associate to the Hon Justice Hayne AC at the High Court of Australia (2014–2015), an associate to the Hon Justice McLeish at the Victorian Court of Appeal (2015), the Researcher to the Solicitor-General for Victoria (then Stephen McLeish SC) (2013–2014), and a solicitor at Minter Ellison (2011–2013). He is a graduate of the University of Melbourne (2010), where he received a number of academic prizes and scholarships and was an editor of the Melbourne University Law Review.
Rudi was a reporter for the Commonwealth Law Reports between 2016 and 2023. He read with Michael Borsky KC.
Liability limited by a scheme approved under the Professional Standards Legislation
- P03 9225 6182
- M0431 663 443
- F03 9225 8668
- E[email protected]
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Owen Dixon Chambers West
Level 23 Room 16
525 Lonsdale Street
Melbourne VIC 3000
Jane King
03 9225 8558
- Appellate
- Competition
- Consumer Law
- Contractual Disputes
- Corporations & Securities
- Equity & Trusts
- Appellate
- Common Law
- Professional Negligence
- Administrative Law
- Appellate
- Civil & Human Rights
- Constitutional Law
- Judicial Review
- Native Title
- Planning & Local Government
Juris Doctor (Melb)
Bachelor of Science (Syd)
Bachelor of Arts (Syd)
State and Territory Courts and Tribunals
Federal Court of Australia
High Court of Australia
Recent Cases
Harvey v Minister for Primary Industry and Resources [2024] HCA 1 (led by S Glacken KC, for the appellants). Native title – mining – statutory construction – procedural rights of native title holders.
Australian Securities and Investments Commission v iSignthis Limited [2024] FCA 669 (led by M Borsky KC, for ASIC). Corporations law – continuous disclosure – misleading conduct – directors' duties.
Northern Territory of Australia v Aboriginal Land Commissioner [2023] FCA 1183 (led by R Webb KC, for the Northern Territory). Administrative law – Aboriginal Land Rights (Northern Territory) Act 1976 (Cth) – whether the bed of an estuary is "land in the Northern Territory".
Austin on behalf of the Eastern Maar People v State of Victoria [2023] FCA 237 (unled, for the Eastern Maar People). Native title - consent determination of native title in Victoria.
Aboriginal Areas Protection Authority v Director of National Parks [2022] NTSCFC 1 (S Glacken KC, for the Northern Land Council). Constitutional law – whether the Commonwealth Director of National Parks could be criminally liable under Northern Territory Aboriginal Sacred Sites Act 1989 (NT).
Mawhinney v Australian Securities and Investments Commission [2022] FCAFC 159 (unled, for Ashurst Australia). Corporations law – whether appellant denied procedural fairness – allegations against appellant's previous solicitors.
Woodcock & Woodcock (No 2) [2022] 65 Fam LR 333 (led by L Glick KC, for the wife). Family law – statutory construction – whether husband's rights under discretionary trusts are "property" and capable of valuation.
Northern Land Council v Quall [2020] HCA 33 (led by S Glacken KC, for the appellants). Native title – statutory construction – certification functions of representative Aboriginal/Torres Strait Islander bodies.
Bald Hills Wind Farm Pty Ltd v South Gippsland Shire Council [2020] VSC 512 (led by J Pizer KC, for the Bald Hills Wind Farm). Administrative law – Public Health and Wellbeing Act 2008 (Vic) – review of Council decision of nuisance due to noise from wind farm.
McCrohan Super Investments Pty Ltd v Ashdown [2018] VSC 422 (led by B Quinn KC, for the plaintiffs). Consumer law – misleading conduct – agreement to purchase shares.
Timbercorp Finance Pty Ltd v Collins [2016] VSC 776 (led by D Farrands KC, for defendants). Corporations law - managed investment scheme – test cases – recovery of scheme loans.
Commercial Bar Association
Australian Association of Constitutional Law
Migration Law Bar Association