2 JG6401

Roxanne Burd

Bar roll 2017 Admitted 2011
  • Commercial Law Tort Law
  • Public Law
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Roxanne is a commercial barrister with more than 13 years of litigation experience.

Her broad practice extends across commercial and public law, and she has acted for and against corporations, government, and individuals. Roxanne appears both led and unled before state and federal courts and tribunals.

Roxanne joined the Bar in October 2017, reading with Robert Craig KC.

Roxanne’s commercial practice incorporates all areas of commercial litigation, including: corporate and consumer law; banking and finance; equity and trusts; professional liability; regulatory matters; and Royal Commission work.

As part of her public law practice, Roxanne is regularly briefed by both State and Commonwealth departments and agencies in litigious matters, and to provide advice. She has particular experience in matters involving the compulsory acquisition of land, and associated claims for compensation.

Roxanne has also acted for prosecuting agencies (Office of Public Prosecutions and Australian Federal Police), and has conducted unled witness examinations on behalf of those agencies.

Roxanne is a member of the Commercial Bar Association, she participated in the Corporate Counsel Pilot Program, and she has served on the Bar’s Health and Wellbeing Committee.

Liability limited by a scheme approved under the Professional Standards Legislation


Chambers & Clerk

Aickin Chambers
Room 5 Level 32

200 Queen Street 
Melbourne VIC 3000 

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Jane King

03 9225 8558


Commercial Law
  • Class Actions
  • Consumer Law
  • Contractual Disputes
  • Corporations & Securities
  • Equity & Trusts
Tort Law
  • Commissions & Inquiries
Public Law
  • Administrative Law
  • Judicial Review
  • Planning & Local Government
  • White Collar Crime



Bachelor of Laws (Hons)(Melb)

Bachelor of Arts



Entitled to practise in

State and Territory Courts and Tribunals

Federal Court of Australia

High Court of Australia

Recent Cases

Select matters since joining the Bar

Acting on behalf of a solicitor in a commercial dispute involving allegations of breach of fiduciary duty, misleading or deceptive conduct, and unconscionable conduct (unled)

Acting for the plaintiff in a contractual dispute, including claims for equitable relief (led by Jeremy Slattery KC)

Acting for the applicant in a proceeding to set aside a personal insolvency agreement (led by Peter Fary SC)

Acting for the defendants in a commercial dispute involving claims of fraud and breach of trust (led by Kane Loxley)

Bolitho v Banksia Securities: acting for one of the lawyer parties in a contested class action settlement approval proceeding (led by Robert Craig KC)

Royal Commission into Misconduct in the Banking, Superannuation and Financial Services Industry: acting for the National Australia Bank (led by Wendy Harris KC)

Acting for the plaintiff in a multi-party commercial dispute involving claims of breach of contract, misleading or deceptive conduct, and breach of trust/fiduciary duties (led by Robert Craig KC, with Lara O’Rorke)

Acting in a partnership dispute/seeking an interlocutory injunction to restrain the expulsion of a partner (led by Robert Craig KC)

Acting for the defendants in a longstanding multi-party commercial dispute concerning the operation of a residential and commercial development (led by John Karkar KC, with Emma Peppler)

Acting for the plaintiffs in a civil claim brought against a former employee and a large bank concerning the misappropriation of funds and breach of mandate (led by Robert Craig KC)

Acting for a plaintiff trustee against an accountant in a dispute involving allegations of misleading or deceptive conduct and breach of contract, and claims for equitable relief (led by Jonathon Moore KC)

Acting for the Victorian Electoral Commission in challenges to State and local government elections, and matters under the Electoral Act:

    -  review of a decision to de-register a political party (unled)

    -  challenge to a local government election where fraudulent ballot papers cast (led by Peter Gray KC; Kathleen Foley SC, with Edwina Smith)

    -  challenge to a state election before the Court of Disputed Returns (led by Simona Gory)

    -  challenge to a local government election involving allegations of misleading conduct (led by Liam Brown SC, Crown Counsel)

Urgent advice concerning the validity of a regulatory investigation by a statutory body (led by Peter Gray KC)

Acting for the Australian Federal Police in cases brought under the Proceeds of Crime Act in both Victoria and the Australian Capital Territory (led by Robert Craig KC)

Acting for the plaintiff in a novel claim for compensation under the Planning and Environment Act arising from the amendment of a planning permit (led by Lisa Hannon KC)

Regularly advising and acting in compensation claims under the Land Acquisition and Compensation Act and the Planning and Environment Act. Referred matters include:

    -  Henry Street Developments v Minister for Environment (compulsory acquisition; led by Lisa Hannon KC)

    -  Plunkett v Roads Corporation (loss on sale; led by Sandro Goubran KC)

    -  Crowe v Head, Transport for Victoria (compulsory acquisition; led by Sandro Goubran KC)

    -  Huang v Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change (loss on sale; led by Sandro Goubran KC)

    -  Fragapane v Secretary to the Department of Transport (compulsory acquisition claim in excess of $7M involving complex valuation evidence; unled)


Commercial Bar Association