Peter Willis SC
- Commercial Law Public Law
He also appears before the High Court and in VCAT and Planning Panels Victoria. His experience focuses on commercial law and equity, especially in financial services and resources, as well as public law (constitutional and administrative law, planning and environment law, international law and native title) for Government and private clients.
The Legal 500 Asia Pacific has recognised Peter as a leading Senior Counsel in Australia - The Bar, for Commercial Disputes.
He is Editor of the Victorian Reports, and Co-Editor of the Commonwealth Law Reports. He is past chair of List G Barristers, CommBar's Equity Section and the Bar's Human Rights Committee. He is a member of the Federal Court's mediation panel for Native Title cases and co-chair of the Australian Bar Association First Nations Issues Committee.
He has served as a director and compliance committee member of an Australian financial services licensee and as chairman of the Disciplinary Appeals Board of the Victorian Education department. He is Australian representative on the ILA's International Securities Regulation Committee of experts and a Senior Adviser to Transparency International Australia.
Prior to coming to the Bar, Peter was a partner of Mallesons Stephen Jaques (now King & Wood Mallesons) and acted in corporations and securities, commercial, banking and finance and resources transactions in Melbourne and London. He also served as Ministerial Adviser to two Federal Attorneys-General.
- P03 9225 8446
- M0401 142 059
- F03 9225 6633
- E[email protected]
- Connect on Linkedin
Aickin Chambers
Level 20 Room 2
200 Queen Street
Melbourne VIC 3000
Jane King
03 9225 8558
- Appellate
- Banking & Finance
- Contractual Disputes
- Corporate Insolvency
- Corporations & Securities
- Energy & Resources
- Equity & Trusts
- Private International Law
- Administrative Law
- Appellate
- Civil & Human Rights
- Constitutional Law
- Judicial Review
- Native Title
- Planning & Local Government
- Public International Law
Bachelor of Laws (First Class Hons)
University Supreme Court Prize
Bachelor of Arts (Hons)
Australian Capital Territory
New South Wales
Western Australia
State and Territory Courts and Tribunals
Federal Court of Australia
High Court of Australia
England and Wales
Recent Cases
MAPA Pearls Pty Ltd v Haliotis Fisheries Pty Ltd (2023) 71 VR 581, [2023] VSCA 108; [2022] VSC 517; [2023] HCATrans 172
Secretary, DEECA v Hanson Construction Materials Pty Ltd (2023) 71 VR 137, [2023] VSC 353
Pugwall Pty Ltd v Arthur McKenzie Investments Pty Ltd (2022) 68 VR 559; [2022] VSCA 272; [2023] HCASL 54.
Asmar v Albanese (2022) 68 VR 1, [2022] VSCA 19; (2021) 67 VR 202, [2021] VSC 672; [2022] HCASL 71; Kairouz v Bracks [2021] VSC 671
Mt Wills Gold Mines Pty Ltd v Minister for Resources (2022) 66 VR 122; [2022] VSC 312
Next Stage Living (Moonee Ponds) v Ardmillan Place Nominees Pty Ltd [2022] VSC 89
Gardiner v Taungurung Land and Waters Council [2021] FCA 80
Love v Commonwealth; Thoms v Commonwealth (2020) 270 CLR 152
Jafari v 23 Developments Pty Ltd [2019] VSCA 201; [2018] VSC 404
Jafari v 23 Developments Pty Ltd (2019) 58 VR 288; [2019] VSC 333
Bright v Northern Land Council [2018] FCA 752
Gresham Property Investments Ltd v Global Consulting Services Pty Ltd [2018] NSWSC 141
Re Jervois Mining Ltd (2016) 117 ACSR 205; [2016] NSWSC 1650
Stewart v Atco Controls Pty Ltd (2014) 252 CLR 307; [2014] HCA 15
Victoria v Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union (2013) 218 FCR 172; [2013] FCAFC 160
Lovett on behalf of the Gunditjmara People v Victoria [2007] FCA 474
American Society of International Law
Australian Institute of Administrative Law
Energy and Resources Law Association (Australian Mining & Petroleum Law Assoc)
International Bar Association (Sections on Business Law and Energy, Environment & Resources Law)
International Law Association
Law Council of Australia (Business Law and International Law sections)
Victorian Planning & Environmental Law Association
Australian and New Zealand Law and History Society