Kate chair

Kate Beattie SC

Bar roll 2007 Silk 2024
  • Commercial Law Intellectual Property
  • Public Law
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Kate Beattie SC specialises in intellectual property litigation, with extensive experience in complex patent disputes.

Kate has a background in pharmacology and regularly acts for pharmaceutical and healthcare companies. She also advises on trade practices and commercial disputes, particularly those involving scientific expert evidence.

She holds a Bachelor of Science majoring in pharmacology and toxicology, a Bachelor of Laws (First Class Honours) from Monash University and a Master of Law (First Class Honours) from the University of Cambridge.

Before coming to Bar, Kate was a senior associate in the intellectual property department at Allens Arthur Robinson. She also practised at Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer, London. Kate is an author of the text book, "Australian Patent Law" (2004). She has also been a sessional lecturer in contract law in the LLM (Juris Doctor) Program, Monash University.

Kate has been repeatedly recommended in Chambers and Partners. In 2023, she was described as having “significant experience in patent cases, particularly in the pharmaceutical field. Her work is of very high quality, and she is a pleasure to work with.”

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards legislation.


Chambers & Clerk

Emmerson Chambers
Room 3 Level 18

200 Queen Street 
Melbourne VIC 3000 

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Jane King

+61 3 9225 8558

0414 251 921


Commercial Law
  • Competition
  • Consumer Law
  • Contractual Disputes
Intellectual Property
  • Appellate
  • Copyright & Designs
  • Patents
  • Trade Marks
Public Law
  • Privacy



Master of Laws (First Class Hons)(Cambridge)

Bachelor of Laws (First Class Hons)(Monash)

Bachelor of Science (Pharmacology and Toxicology)



Entitled to practise in

State and Territory Courts and Tribunals

Federal Court of Australia

High Court of Australia

Recent Cases

Intellectual Property

Janssen Sciences Ireland Unlimited Company v Juno Pharmaceutical NSD 698 of 2020

CSIRO v BASF Plant Science GmbH [2020] FCA 328

ESCO Australia Holding P/L v CQMS and Anor VID 63 of 2019

Interpharma Pty Ltd v Hospira, Inc (No. 5) [2019] FCA 960

GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare Investments (Ireland) (No 2) Limited v Generic Partners Pty Ltd [2018] FCAFC 71

Daiwa Can Company v Barokes Pty Ltd [2016] VSC 296

Paul Laurence Mizzi v Daryl Morellini [2015] APO 24 (patent opposition)

Re Gunns Plantations Ltd [2014] VSC 369 (insolvency)

Ranbaxy Laboratories Ltd v AstraZeneca AB (2013) 101 IPR 11 (pharmaceutical patent litigation)

Vehicles Monitoring Systems Pty Ltd v Sarb Management Group Pty Ltd (2013) 101 IPR 496 (patent litigation)

Spotless v Qantas Airways (2012) No VID 1183 of 2011 (trade mark and trade practices litigation)

Albany Molecular Research Inc v Alphapharm Pty Ltd (2011) 90 IPR 457 (pharmaceutical patent litigation)

Primary Health Care Limited v The Commissioner of Taxation of the Commonwealth of Australia (2010) 186 FCR 301 (tax, copyright)

Vawdrey Australia Pty Ltd v Krueger Transport Equipment Pty Ltd (2009) 83 IPR 1 (copyright, confidential information)

GlaxoSmithKline Australia Pty ltd v Jarrod Ritchie and TPI Enterprises Pty Ltd (2008) 77 IPR 306 (confidential information)

Ranbaxy Australia Pty Ltd v Warner-Lambert Company LLC (2008) 77 IPR 449 (pharmaceutical patent litigation)