Jillian Williams
- Commercial Law Tort Law
- Public Law
Jill is often briefed to appear unled in hearings and on contested applications, and as junior counsel in large-scale, significant, and complex commercial matters (including class actions). She is ranked as a leading junior barrister for Commercial Disputes in The Legal 500 – Australian Bar (2025).
Jill acts for listed Australian and International public companies and private corporations, government departments and agencies. Her current and previous clients include: NAB, CBA, ANZ, QIC, UBS, Ford, Fonterra, Deloitte, Underwriters at Lloyd’s, QBE, ASIC and the ACCC.
Prior to coming to the Bar, Jill was a Senior Associate (Commercial Disputes) at Allens Linklaters, where she worked on large-scale commercial, tax and regulatory proceedings, including a secondment to the National Australia Bank.
Jill completed a Bachelor of Civil Laws (BCL) at the University of Oxford in 2013, and holds bachelor degrees in law (First Class Hons) and in Commerce (Finance) from Monash University. Jill is a previous Honorary Fellow at the University of Melbourne, Melbourne Law School, where she taught Corporate Insolvency law.
She was a reporter for the Commonwealth Law Reports between 2018 and 2023.
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards legislation
- P03 9225 6967
- M0415 890 766
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Aickin Chambers
Level 19, Room 10
200 Queen Street
Melbourne VIC 3000
Jane King
03 9225 8558
- Class Actions
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- Competition
- Contractual Disputes
- Insurance
- Private International Law
- Taxation
- Regulatory Investigations
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- Common Law
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- Professional Negligence
- Administrative Law
- Aged Care
- Civil & Human Rights
- Commissions & Inquiries
- Constitutional Law
- Public International Law
- White Collar Crime
Bachelor of Civil Law (Oxford)
Bachelor of Laws (Hons) (Mon)
Bachelor of Commerce (Mon)
State and Territory Courts and Tribunals
Federal Court of Australia
High Court of Australia
Recent Cases
QIC Werribee Pty Ltd & Ors v Wadren Pty Ltd & Ors[2024] VSC 724 - acting for a fund manager, claims in contract, tort and alleged misleading or deceptive conduct - led by Noel Hutley SC and David Sulan SC. Instructed by Jones Day.
Wisbey v UBS AG & Ors[2021] FCA 36; (No 2) [2024] FCA 147 - acting for a global investment bank, representative proceedings involving allegations of class action involving alleged cartel conduct in the Forex market - led by Wendy Harris KC, Michael Borsky KC, and Jonathan Kirkwood SC. Instructed by Herbert Smith Freehills.
ASIC v CBA & Colonial First State(2023) 299 FCR 604 - acting for CBA, civil penalty proceedings concerning allegations of the provision of conflicted remuneration - led by Neil Young KC. Instructed by Clayton Utz.
Royal Express Pty Ltd (Receivers and Managers Appointed) (In Liq) v Huang, in the matter of Royal Express Pty Ltd (No 7) [2023] FCA 1648 - equitable fraud claim - led by Sam Rosewarne KC. Instructed by Allens Linklaters.
Pirmax Pty Ltd v Kingspan Insulation Pty Ltd - Australian Consumer Law - led by Chris Archibald KC. Instructed by Herbert Smith Freehills.
NAB Limited v Nautilus Insurance Pte Ltd & Ors[2019] FCA 899; (No 3) [2019] FCA 2139 - appeared for NAB's captive insurer, construction of reinsurance policy - led by Vanessa Whittaker SC. Instructed by King & Wood Mallesons.
Moulden v Ford Australia - claim involving allegations of misleading or deceptive conduct (settled) – unled. Instructed by Allens Linklaters.
Tripod Farmers Pty Ltd v QBE Insurance & Calabro (SCV, settled) - misleading or deceptive conduct, tort and contract - led by Jim Delany QC (now Delany J), and Michael Rush KC. Instructed by Clyde & Co.
Fonterra Brands v Bega Cheese(No 2) [2019] VSC 209; (No 3) [2019] VSC 391 - contract of sale dispute, including allegations of misleading or deceptive conduct - led by Gerard Dalton KC and Peter Creighton-Selvay. Instructed by Arnold Bloch Leibler.
Certain Underwriters at Lloyds & Anor ats Mercury Walch (SCV, settled) – acting for underwriters, dispute regarding construction of insurance policy - led by Chris Caleo KC. Instructed by Gilchrist Connell.
Index Traders Pty Limited and Ors v Juwai Holdings (SCV) - application for interlocutory injunction - led by Michael Rush KC. Instructed by Holman Fenwick Willan.
Bates Smart Architects Pty Ltd v Jacobs Group (Australia) Pty Ltd (SCV, settled) – breach of contract, quantum meruit – unled (settled). Instructed by Holding Redlich.
Slea Pty Ltd v Connective Services Pty Ltd & Ors; Mortgage Results Pty Ltd v Millsave Holdings Pty Ltd[2017] VSC 327; [2017] VSC 704) - various interlocutory applications in oppression proceedings. Instructed by Quinn Emanuel.
Eustice v State of Victoria & Ors - appearing for defendant in tort claim – unled. Instructed by Gilchrist Connell.
Royal Commission into Misconduct in the Banking, Superannuation and Financial Services Industry (2018) - acted for an industry superannuation fund.
(CCI Class Action) Reilly v Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited & Ors(No 5) [2023] FCA 896: consumer credit insurance class action, acting for ANZ Bank, settlement approval application - unled on application. Instructed by Herbert Smith Freehills.
(FX Class Action) Wisbey v UBS & Ors: cartel class action, acting for a respondent bank, class action, representative proceeding involving allegations of cartel conduct in the Forex market - led by Wendy Harris KC, Michael Borsky KC, and Jonathon Kirkwood SC. Instructed by Herbert Smith Freehills.
Buch / Gehrke v Noumi (formerly Freedom Foods): securities class action, interlocutory carriage motion application, acting for auditor of Freedom Foods (Deloitte) - led by Wendy Harris KC. Instructed by Corrs Chambers Westgarth.
Nelson v Beach Energy Ltd: securities class action, to GCO and carriage motion applications - led by David Sulan SC.
Clime Capital v UGL Limited: securities class action, interlocutory applications in class action arising out of the construction of the Ichthys LNG facility - led by Oren Bigos KC. Instructed by Phi Finney McDonald.
Otto Dann & Anor v CEO (Housing): consumer law class action relating to allegations of breach of contract, unconscionable conduct and consumer guarantees - led by Lachlan Armstrong KC. Instructed by Phi Finney McDonald.
ACCC v H.J. Heinz Company Australia Limited: consumer law, acting for respondent - led by Rowena Orr KC and Nick De Young KC. Instructed by Minter Ellison.
Application for merger authorisation clearance by B.P Petroleum in proposed acquisition of Woolworths petrol stations, acting for the ACCC. Instructed by AGS.
ASIC ats Allegra Financial Services[2020] AATA 6008: appearing for ASIC, review of decision to refuse an Australian Financial Services Licence application – unled.
ASIC ats Erhardt[2018] AATA 4785: appearing for ASIC in application regarding a director disqualification ban – unled.
ASIC ats Evans (settled): appearing for ASIC in review of a banning order pursuant to s 920 of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) – unled.
Appeared for and advised various company directors and employees in regulatory investigations, including s 19 examinations and responding to notices – unled.