Jennifer Collins
- Commercial Law Tort Law
Jennifer is frequently briefed in matters raising complex factual or legal issues. She has been retained to represent numerous Australian publicly listed companies, international firms, and a range of national organisations. She practises in all Australian jurisdictions.
Jennifer is recognised in Doyle's Guide to Leading Barristers and the Legal 500, and was recognised in Lawyerly Media’s inaugural Rising Stars edition in 2021 for her work in high-stakes litigation.
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation
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- M0433 467 695
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Aickin Chambers
Level 28 Room 2
200 Queen Street
Melbourne VIC 3000
Jane King
03 9225 8558
- Appellate
- Banking & Finance
- Class Actions
- Commercial Arbitration
- Competition
- Consumer Law
- Contractual Disputes
- Corporate Insolvency
- Corporations & Securities
- Energy & Resources
- Equity & Trusts
- Insurance
- Private International Law
- Real Property
- Class Actions
- Commissions & Inquiries
- Major Torts
- Product Liability
- Professional Negligence
Bachelor of Laws (Hons) (UWA)
Western Australia
State and Territory Courts and Tribunals
Federal Court of Australia
High Court of Australia
Recent Cases
Icon Co (NSW) Pty Ltd v Liberty Mutual Insurance Company Australian Branch trading as Liberty Specialty Markets [2020] FCA 1493; on appeal [2021] FCAFC 126 (led by Jeremy Slattery KC) – Representing Icon in disputes with its insurers, in which Icon obtained declaratory relief in respect of damage to Opal Tower in Sydney.
Australian Money Exchange Pty Ltd (in liq) v Llewellyn; Keybridge v Llewellyn [2024] VSC 511 – represented Underwriters in proceedings brought by the liquidator of PR Finance, which were ultimately discontinued by the liquidator and its litigation funder at trial, with costs awarded to the Underwriters.
Monash IVF Pty Ltd v Insurance Australia Ltd VID739/2024 (led by Philip Solomon KC) – represented the insurer in proceedings initiated by the insured seeking expedited declaratory relief about the effect of an insurance policy ahead of a mediation in a class action against the insured.
The Banksia Securities Remitter (2021) 69 VR 28 (led by Peter Jopling AM KC): represented the Contradictor in the Banksia remitter litigation, where the Contradictor established fraud and misconduct by a litigation funder and several legal practitioners in a landmark judgment by Dixon J.
Professor Michael Legg of University of NSW has observed: “The Contradictor, it has to be said, did a fantastic job in Banksia.”
Acted for an agribusiness producer established by a private equity fund in a confidential international arbitration in successful claims arising out of a major business acquisition.
Acted for a company in a dispute with a government business corporation in a confidential arbitration in claims arising out of a contract.
Oswal v Carson & Ors – Supreme Court of Victoria Proceeding S CI 2012 01995 (led by Tony Bannon SC, Garry Rich SC, and Peter Jopling AM KC) – represented Mr Oswal in relation to alleged breach of duties by receivers and appointing bank in the sale of the Burrup Fertiliser Plant in Western Australia, in the largest proceedings ever brought in Victoria at that time.
Cargill Australia Limited v Viterra Malt Pty Ltd Supreme Court of Victoria Proceeding S ECI 2014 146 – represented Cargill in relation to a significant claim arising out of the sale of a business.
Re Allmine Group Ltd (in liq) Supreme Court of Victoria Proceeding S ECI 2018 02986 –represented a former director in relation to an insolvent trading claim.
Re Credit Clear Limited (formerly known as Credit Clear Pty Ltd) Supreme Court of Victoria Proceeding S ECI 2020 02950 – represented a shareholder in an oppression claim.
Great Union Pty Ltd v Sportsgirl Pty Ltd [2021] VSCA 299 – represented Sportsgirl in a retail leasing dispute.
Evans v Davantage Group Pty Ltd (No 2) [2020] FCA 473 – represented the applicant in a consumer class action in the Federal Court of Australia in relation to extended warranties on motor vehicles.
Gippsreal Ltd v ACN 106 693 565 Pty Ltd [2017] FCA 1414 – Federal Court of Australia Proceeding – defended claims of professional negligence and misleading or deceptive conduct.
Re B Personal Pty Ltd, Bilsborough v Bilsborough [2016] VSC 211 – represented a shareholder in an oppression claim.
WTE Co-Generation v RCR Energy Pty Ltd S ECI 2013 01707 – represented WTE Co-Generation/Visy in a major construction and engineering dispute.
Representing various developers, builders and consultants in various disputes in the Supreme Court, the County Court and VCAT.
Additional details can be supplied upon request.
Victorian Bar - Commercial Bar Association