Don Farrands KC
- Commercial Law Tort Law
Don has eighteen years advocacy and advisory experience in interlocutory and trial work. He has acted for both medium and large corporations in contract, banking and finance, trade practices, property, professional negligence, class actions, and energy related disputes. He also has extensive Royal Commission experience.
Don brings commercial and financial insight having acted as the CFO of a major corporation and with qualifications as a chartered accountant. He has had significant board and executive experience, giving him a unique skill set. Don is also available to act as a mediator.
Don also provides specialist advice regarding taxation compliance and administration and associated litigation matters.
Liability limited by a scheme approved under the Professional Standards Legislation
- P03 9225 8212
- M0419 744 513
- E[email protected]
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Aickin Chambers
Level 20 Room 6
200 Queen Street
Melbourne VIC 3000
Jane King
03 9225 8558
- Banking & Finance
- Class Actions
- Competition
- Consumer Law
- Contractual Disputes
- Corporations & Securities
- Energy & Resources
- Real Property
- Class Actions
- Professional Negligence
Bachelor of Economic
Bachelor of Laws
Graduate Diploma in Applied Finance & Investment
Chartered Accountant
Graduate of Australian Institute of Company Directors
New South Wales
State and Territory Courts and Tribunals
Federal Court of Australia
High Court of Australia
Recent Cases
Walters v Perton [2023] VSC 37
GP Building Holdings Pty Ltd & Anor v Voitin [2022] VSCA 210
Skabal Pty Ltd v Boroondara City Council [2020] VSC 532 (Property)
Barling and National Disability Insurance Agency, Re[2021] AATA 4358 (Disability)
RCD Holdings Ltd & Anor vLT Game International (Australia) Ltd[2020] QSC 318
Rossi Recycling Pty Ltd v Buckland Valley Pty Ltd and Paul Rossignoli [2019] VSC 825
Guizhou Province Wuchuan County Shenjimeiyangyang Technology Co Ltd v Livestock Air Corporation Pty Ltd & Anor [2019] VCC 105
Rossignoli v Rossi Recycling Pty Ltd [2019] VSC 220
Gdanski v Palms Court Management Pty Ltd [2017] VSCA 348
Timbercorp Finance Pty Ltd v Collins & Others [2016] 776
Knowledge Pathways Pty Ltd v TBM Training Pty Ltd [2016] VSC 434
Saville v Hallmarc Constructions Pty Ltd [2015] VSCA 144
Perpetual Nominees Ltd v Rytelle Pty Ltd & Ors [2012] VSC 209
United Energy Distribution Pty Ltd v Alinta Asset Management Pty Ltd & Anor (No 2) [2009] VSC 81
Bavistock v Macquarie Equities Limited [2008] FCA 1620
Hawthorn Glen Pty Ltd (ACN 004 061 214) v Aconex Pty Ltd (ACN 091 376 091) (No 1) [2007] FCA 2010
Poyser v Gajic [2006] VSC 380
Stericorp Ltd v Stericycle Inc [2005] VSC 203
French & Ors v Smith & Ors [2004] VSCA 207
Creative Brands Pty Ltd v Franklin [2001] VSC 338
Vanmarc Holdings Pty Ltd v P W Jess & Associates Pty Ltd Ors [2000] VSC 153
ASIC v Berndale Capital Securities Pty Ltd [2019] FCA 595
ACCC v Informed Sources & Ors - Federal Court of Australia, dealing with petrol pricing
Eric Preston Pty Ltd v Euroz Securities Limited [2011] FCAFC 11; (No 2) [2010] FCA 1068; [2010] FCA 97; [2009] FCA 240; [2009] FCA 213
HAG Import Corpn (Australia) Pty Ltd v Krosnienskie Huty Szkla *Krosno* SA [2005] FCAFC 97; [2004] FCA 1223
Sanders v Glev Franchises Pty Ltd [2002] FCA 1332; [2003] FCA 11
Skabal Pty Ltd v Boroondara City Council and Anthony & Yvonne Ann Bonomo [2019] VCAT 1123
Paradise Constructors & Co Pty Ltd v Poyser [2007] VSCA 316
112 Acland Street Pty Ltd v ANZ Banking Group Ltd [2002] VSCA 95
Jacques Nominees Pty Ltd v National Mutual Trustees Ltd [2001] VCAT 657
ANZ Banking Group Ltd v 112 Acland St Pty Ltd [2000] VSC 428
Application by ATCO Gas Australia Pty Ltd [2016] ACompT 10
The following cases relate to the Kilmore and Beechworth Bushfire class actions which involved claims in negligence against distribution companies and dealt extensively with economic regulations.
Matthews v SPI Electricity & Ors (Ruling No 39) [2014] VSC 109 (19 March 2014); (Ruling No 38) [2014] VSC 102 (21 March 2014); (Ruling No 37) [2014] VSC 97 (14 March 2014); (Ruling No 36) [2014] VSC 82 (11 March 2014); (Ruling No 35) [2014] VSC 59 (27 February 2014); (Ruling No 34) [2014] VSC 40 (21 February 2014); (Ruling No 33) [2014] VSC 17 (7 February 2014); (Ruling No 32) [2013] VSC 630 (18 November 2013); (Ruling No 31) [2013] VSC 575 (30 October 2013); (Ruling No 30) [2013] VSC 547 (15 October 2013); (Ruling No 29) [2013] VSC 537 (10 October 2013); (Ruling No 28) [2013] VSC 523 (1 October 2013); (Ruling No 27) [2013] VSC 483 (6 September 2013); (Ruling No 26) [2013] VSC 415 (13 August 2013); (Ruling No 25) [2013] VSC 392 (30 July 2013); (Ruling No 24) [2013] VSC 269 (22 May 2013); (Ruling No 23) [2013] VSC 239 (10 May 2013); (Ruling No 22) [2013] VSC 221 (3 May 2013); (Ruling No 21) [2013] VSC 219 (3 May 2013); (Ruling No 20) [2013] VSC 197 (29 April 2013); (Ruling No 19) [2013] VSC 180 (18 April 2013); (Ruling No 18) [2013] VSC 185 (17 April 2013); (Ruling No 17) [2013] VSC 146 (5 April 2013); (Ruling No 14) [2013] VSC 37 (15 February 2013); (Ruling No 13) [2013] VSC 17 (8 February 2013); (Ruling No 12) [2012] VSC 549 (19 November 2012); (Ruling No 11) [2012] VSC 497 (23 October 2012); (Ruling No 10) [2012] VSC 379 (4 September 2012); (Ruling No 9) [2012] VSC 340 (13 August 2012); (Ruling No 8) [2012] VSC 318 (27 July 2012); (Ruling No 7) [2012] VSC 230 (5 June 2012)
Matthews v SPI Electricitry Pty Ltd & Ors (Ruling No 10) [2014] VSC 44 (21 February 2014)
Matthews v SPI Electricitry Pty Ltd & Ors (Ruling No 6) [2013] VSC 422 (15 August 2013)
Matthews v SPI Electricitry Pty Ltd & Ors and SPI Electricity Pty Ltd v ACN 060 674 580 & Ors (formerly Utilities Service Corporation Ltd) [2013] VSC 33 ( 13 February 2013)
Birti v SPI Electricity Pty Ltd & Ors (No 2) [2012] VSC 482 (18 October 2012)
State of Victoria v SPI Electricity Pty Ltd & Anor (Ruling No 1) [2012] VSC 470 (12 October 2012)
SPI Electricity Pty Ltd v Australian Competition Tribunal [2012] FCAFC 186
Mercieca & Anor v SPI Electricity Pty Ltd & Ors (No 3) [2012] VSC 6
The following cases relate to the regulation of the gas industry as to pricing in various states of Australia:
Application by United Energy Distribution Pty Ltd and Others [2012] ACompT 1
Application by Envestra Limited (No 2) [2012] ACompT 3
Application by Envestra Limited (No 2) [2012] ACompT 4
Application by SPI Electricity Pty Limited [2013] ACompT 1
Application by SPI Electricity Pty Limited [2012] ACompT 2
Multinet Gas (DB No 1) Pty Ltd & Anor v Alinta Asset Management Pty Ltd & Anor (No 2) [2009] VSC 80; [2009] VSC 18; [2009] VSC 19
Kylie Maree O'Connor v Shadel Lea James [2019] VSCA 265
Lynne Margaret Walters v Jane Elizabeth Perton (No.3) [2019] VSC 733
Lynne Margaret Walters v Jane Elizabeth Perton (No.2) [2019] VSC 542
Lynne Margaret Walters v Jane Elizabeth Perton [2019] VSC 356
Victorian Bar - Commercial Bar Association
Victorian Bar - Committee's Professional Standards Education Committee