Carrie Rome-Sievers Portrait

Carrie Rome-Sievers

Bar roll 1999 Admitted 1996
  • Commercial Law Tort Law
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Carrie is a commercial law barrister practising with a focus on insolvency and corporations law, equity and trusts, fraud, contract and restitution.

Carrie Rome-Sievers is a commercial law barrister practising with a focus on insolvency and corporations law, equity and trusts, fraud, contract and restitution. She is experienced in advocacy, pleadings and opinion work principally in the Supreme Court of Victoria, the Court of Appeal, and the Federal Court of Australia. A selection of recent cases in which Carrie has been briefed is listed below.

Carrie appears for and advises liquidators, administrators, trustees, directors and creditors in a range of matters. An area of particular interest is trading trusts with corporate trustees in liquidation or receivership. Other areas of expertise include fraud, restitution and Barnes v Addy claims against third parties in cases of misuse of corporate or trust property. Carrie’s publicly available articles and case reviews, on these and other areas, may be read on this website.

Carrie is also a nationally accredited mediator, and has experience conducting mediations remotely both interstate and internationally via Zoom.


Best Lawyers in Australia – each year 2016-2024 inclusive – Insolvency and Reorganisation Law – Peer Review – published by the Australian Financial Review and Best Lawyers Australia

Doyles Guide of Leading Insolvency & Restructuring Junior Counsel – Australia – each year 2019-2023 (latest) inclusive – Peer Review

Doyles Guide of Leading Commercial Litigation & Dispute Resolution Junior Counsel – Victoria – each year 2017-2024 inclusive – Peer Review

Doyles Guide of Leading Insolvency & Restructuring Junior Counsel – Victoria – each year 2017-2024 inclusive – Peer Review

Liability limited by a scheme approved under the Professional Standards Legislation


Chambers & Clerk

Lonsdale Chambers
Level 10 Room 6

460 Lonsdale Street

Melbourne VIC 3000

View map

Jane King

03 9225 8558


Commercial Law
  • Banking & Finance
  • Bankruptcy
  • Competition
  • Consumer Law
  • Contractual Disputes
  • Corporate Insolvency
  • Corporations & Securities
  • Equity & Trusts
Tort Law
  • Professional Negligence



Bachelor of Laws

Bachelor of Arts



Entitled to practise in

State and Territory Courts and Tribunals

Federal Court of Australia

High Court of Australia

Recent Cases

Re Cameron Lane Pty Ltd (in liq) [2024] VSC 202 - application by liquidator of a trustee company under s 488 of the Corporations Act for special leave to distribute surplus funds of a trust, and under s 480(d) for a release and for the company to be deregistered - decision of Gobbo AsJ

ACN 073 705 263 v Australian Trailer Solutions Group Pty Ltd (Supreme Court of Victoria S ECI 2023 00552) - breach of contract for sale of business, failure to pay balance of purchase price, misleading and deceptive conduct alleged - leading Nicole Tyson

Unnamed case in the Supreme Court of Victoria, 2023-4 - company funds misdirected for gambling at casinos - Public examinations conducted on behalf of the liquidators - leading Rebecca McCarthy then Jessica Apel

Unnamed case in the Federal Court, 2023 - application to replace liquidators - decision of O'Callaghan J

In the matter of Jay Invest Property Pty Ltd; Kukuy v Holden (Court of Appeal of Victoria S EAPCI 2023 0026) - appeal of decision below to appoint the liquidator as receiver of the assets of a trust - leading Leo Freckelton

ADG Digital Pty Ltd v Trigon Trading Pty Ltd (Administrators Appointed) [2023] FCA 232 - application for stay of pre-administration order that $5.9m of funds paid in from a bank in the Bahamas and held in Court be released to the plaintiff - digital asset trading company in administration - plaintiff claimed funds paid into Court had been held for it on (a quistclose) trust - r 41.03 of the Federal Court Rules 2011 (Cth) - Part 5.3A, ss 440D, 468, 447A of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) - decision of Button J

Holden v Kukuy (No 2); Re Jay Invest Property Pty Ltd (in liq) [2023] VSC 54 - application by liquidator for appointment as receiver of trust assets with power to sell - decision of Elliott J

Bull & Bear Vineyards Pty Ltd (in liq) v Entain Group Pty LtdVID756/2021 (Federal Court) - company funds misdirected for online gambling - Public examinations conducted on behalf of a liquidator in Melbourne in 2022 and 2023 - leading Rebecca McCarthy, then Leo Freckelton

Wang v ASIC [2023] AATA 1568- review of decision by ASIC to disqualify a director from managing corporations under s 206F of the Corporations Act - decision set aside

Re Dysin Investment Partners Pty Ltd & Ors [2021] - unreported decision of Lyons J, Victorian Supreme Court, 26 March 2021 - application for the winding up of DIP Anthony Street Pty Ltd on the just and equitable ground and in insolvency

Re Dysin Investment Partners Pty Ltd & Ors [2021] - unreported decision of Garde J, Victorian Supreme Court, 10 February 2021 - application for the appointment of provisional liquidators over the second defendant DIP Anthony Street Pty Ltd, a company holding the key assets of an unregistered investment scheme (property development), and for freezing orders over other companies and individuals

Bauen Concrete Pty Ltd (Receivers appointed)(in liq) v GVC Australia Pty Ltd (Federal Court, VID490/2020) - misdirection of company funds for gambling - claims against online gambling company for knowing receipt and knowing assistance (Barnes v Addy - both limbs), restitution, Black v Freedman Trust, unreasonable director-related transactions and uncommercial transactions (led by Scott Nixon SC, as he then was)

Re IPO Wealth Holdings No 2 Pty Ltd (No 2) [2020] VSC 733 (6 Nov 2020) - application to wind up the IPO Wealth managed investment scheme companies on the just and equitable ground; and in insolvency in respect of the borrower company IPO Wealth Holdings Pty Ltd (trading as Mayfair 101 Holdings) (led by Jonathan Evans QC) - decision of Robson J

Re IPO Wealth Holdings No 2 Pty Ltd [2020] VSC 549 (9 Sept 2020) – application for the receivers of the IPO Wealth companies to be appointed provisional liquidators of the companies pending hearing of the application to wind up on the just and equitable ground - decision of Robson J

Re IPO Wealth Holdings No 2 Pty Ltd [2020] - unreported decision of Robson J, Victorian Supreme Court, 22 May 2020 - unregistered managed investment scheme - application by the trustee of the IPO Wealth Fund to appoint receivers to the SPV companies of the IPO Wealth group, having exercised its power as secured creditor to appoint receivers to the borrower company IPO Wealth Holdings Pty Ltd (trading as Mayfair 101 Holdings)

Re Waratah Group Pty Ltd (in liq) [2020] VSC 523 – application by liquidators for appointment as receivers and managers of trust assets, alternatively for power of sale over trust assets - decision of Delany J

Hughes as liquidator of Apex Minerals NL and Apex Gold Pty Ltd v Eshuys & Ors (Federal Court in Western Australia - WAD144/2019) - Acting for the executive chairman of a formerly listed company and its subsidiary which had developed and operated gold projects in WA in an action for alleged insolvent trading - 2019-2020 - (led by Philip Crutchfield QC)


16 March 2023

Insolvency Law Update - Recovering “your” money when entities collapse – when can you successfully claim a Quistlose Trust?

07 October 2021

Insolvency Law Update - Statutory demands – setting aside under s 459G – what is a ‘genuine’ dispute or offsetting claim?

31 March 2021

Insolvency Law Update - The Full Federal Court in COT v Lane

13 December 2019

Commercial Law Update - High Court pronounces on what “property of the bankrupt” vests in the trustee in bankruptcy where property had been held on trust

29 August 2019

Commercial Law Update - Latest decision of interest in this post-Amerind world dropped today

25 June 2019

Commercial Law Update - New article on the High Court in Amerind – statutory priorities apply on insolvency of trustee companies, employee entitlements protected, Re Enhill is no more

19 June 2019

Commercial Law Update - The High Court’s judgment in Amerind is in

17 June 2019

Commercial Law Update - High Court to hand down judgment in Amerind this Wednesday

04 March 2019

Insolvency Law Update - Vic Court of Appeal denies liquidators approval of proposed settlement agreement

01 February 2019

Insolvency Law Update - Monday will be big - not just the banking Royal Commission report, but day 1 of the High Court Amerind appeal

06 December 2018

Insolvency Law Update - Amerind High Court appeal listed for hearing

25 October 2018

Commercial Law Update - When a payment of trust money is recovered as an unfair preference, does it become trust money once again?

12 September 2018

Commercial Law Update - High Court delivers reasons for upholding the holding DOCA in Mighty River

17 August 2018

Insolvency Law Update - Special leave granted in Amerind

17 April 2018

Commercial Law Update - Fraud and more than Barnes v Addy – VSCA on accessorial liability for breach of fiduciary duty or trust

26 March 2018

Commercial Law Update - The decision in Killarnee – trading trusts, statutory priorities on the liquidation of trustee companies, lack of power to sell trust assets

01 March 2018

Insolvency Law Update - The Amerind appeal – trading trusts, statutory regime of priority applies on receivership of the trustee, employee entitlements protected

09 October 2017

Commercial Law Update - Fraud and liability in restitution for online sports betting companies and their operators

17 August 2017

Commercial Law Update - Repudiation and how restraint of trade benefits may be lost post termination

17 March 2017

Commercial Law Update - Sino Iron v Worldwide Wagering – a case of fraud and restitution “with the lot”

13 March 2017

Insolvency Law Update - Remuneration of liquidators – Sakr Nominees – 5 member NSWCA panel rights the ship

14 February 2017

Insolvency Law Update - Extending time for convening the second meeting of creditors

31 May 2016

Insolvency Law Update - A refresher - Liquidators’ section 483(1) applications

14 April 2016

Commercial Law Update - Barnes v Addy claims and indefeasibility of title

09 October 2015

Tax & Insolvency Update - Bell Group & post-liquidation garnishee notices

24 April 2015

Commercial Law Update - High Court grants special leave to the Commissioner in CGT/liquidators case

12 March 2015

Insolvency Law Update - High Court pronounces on liquidators’ shelf orders and other extension of time orders

12 December 2014

Commercial Law Update - Great Southern settlement deed approved

09 October 2014

Insolvency Law Update - Full Federal Court dismisses appeal in CGT/liquidators decision

18 July 2014

Insolvency Law Update - Fiorentino to fight on as CALDB orders deregistration

02 February 2012

Carrie Rome-Sievers Launches New Online Insolvency Law Resource


Law Council of Australia – Insolvency and Reconstruction Law Committee

International Advocacy Training Committee, VicBar

Commercial Bar Association of Victoria

Women in Insolvency and Restructuring Victoria (WIRV)


INSOL International

Commonwealth Lawyers Association